


14. アメリカ・シアトル留学(K.K.さんより)

シアトル留学中のK.K.さんからの報告です。今回は英語で報告書を書いてくれました。第3セッションで109に合格し、1月からGreen River Collegeへ進むことが決まりましたが、自身の英語について振り返り、GRCに行く前の最後のELSを頑張ろうとしてくれていることを記してくれています。新しい環境でも頑張ってくれることを期待しています。

I was able to pass level 109!! I can’t believe that this is real. I was very happy to pass this level. This level was not easy for me, especially the reading and writing class. My grammar and vocabulary are not good, so that class was so hard for me. Moreover, the SSP class of this session was so difficult because I did not know how to use “although, in spite of, even though”. If I had not had friends, I would not have understood them. My friends helped me a lot to understand the new grammar. Thanks to my friends and teachers, I could improve my English. Sometimes we talked about our mistakes, sometimes we joked, and sometimes we learned new things about other languages. It was so interesting and I had so much fun that I forgot about time.
I am going to go to Green River College from January 2th. I am so nervous because I don’t know if my skills are not enough for community college courses. Actually, I have to go to ELS classes two more weeks, so I want to learn more vocabulary and grammar in order to do better in my GRC’s classes. It will be hard, but I need to do this. In addition, I want to make new friends at the Green River College and have a good relationship with my new host family.

ELS Seattle

This session was so fun for me because I could talk a lot with my friends, so I could improve my English skills. I also understood more about other cultures and languages. I had a great time thanks to my friends. I think my choice to come to America was good for me. If I had not come to Seattle, I would not have met them. My friends are so kind to me and I think I could not have passed 109 without them. Sometimes they are friends, but sometimes they are more like my siblings. Therefore, I rely on them a lot. They taught me correct grammar and vocabulary. I think I can speak English more than before the level 109 classes. To be honest, I do not want to move from ELS because I do not want to say good-bye to my friends. I hope I can see them again someday. (K.K.)
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